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3rd Grade


 Ms. Foerster     Ms. Jones
Mrs. Stewart Ms. Budke



Daily Schedule

General Information:

Grading System: Third graders receive letter grades for all academic subjects. Homework assignments are graded with a check plus, check or check minus. Class assignments are graded out of the points system. (Ex. 6/10 or 22/26) Tests are scored out of the points system also and will be assigned a letter grade. 100%-90% is an A 89%-80% is a B 79%-70% is a C 69%-60% is a D 59% and below is an F O’s, S’s and N’s will be given for work and social habits. These are how your child’s grades are broken down:
Writing- Writing samples and spelling test (formal and informal)
Social Studies, Science and Math- Class work and Tests/Quizzes
ELA-Formal and informal reading assessments (class work) and student growth toward reading standards.

Homework: Homework assignments are copied down in your child’s agenda on a daily basis. Homework will be given Monday-Thursday. Please remember to initial your child’s agenda daily and check to see if all assignments are completed. If a homework assignment is not turned in, your child will go home with a pink slip. Your child will have a choice of completing the assignment during recess time or taking it home to complete. Your child will go home with a Friday Folder every Friday.

Book Orders: Book club orders are sent home throughout the year. When sending in money to order books, please send a check or money order payable to the book company. (Scholastic Book Club) Please do not send cash.

Money: Please send money to school in a sealed envelope with the following information: your child’s name, your child’s teacher’s name, and the activity for which it is for on the envelope. A check is the best form of payment.

Birthday Policy: Third grade is unable to celebrate children’s birthdays with parties during instructional time.  The school cannot give out student names, addresses, and telephone numbers for party invitations. Party invitations are not to be distributed in class.

Field Trip Policy: If you would like to attend any of your children’s field trips this year, you MUST attend of the volunteer trainings offered by the PTA. Please check the newsletter for upcoming dates and times. Parents must take the volunteer training at least 7 school days prior to field trip. There will be NO exceptions. If you would like to help, please make sure you take the course as soon as you can. We are sorry but we cannot take every parent that signs up to chaperone.

Communication: You may contact any teacher by calling the school, 410-386-4440. You may also write a note in your child’s agenda and your child’s teacher will be happy to respond. Another great way is through e-mail.
Volunteers: If you would like to volunteer in the classroom or run copies please let your child’s teacher know what days and times you are available. Any help is very much appreciated.

Recess: Please do not send your child in with toys from home. We have activities here for the students. This prevents possessions from being stolen. 
Final thoughts on Unity

Information from the 3rd Grade Handbook