Report Absence
Verifying Student Absences
Cranberry Station Elementary School REQUIRES verification of every student absence. We will accept one of the following from the parent or legal guardian:
· A PHONE CALL to 410-386-4440 between 9:00 am - 11:30 am on the day of the absence (no follow up note required)
· An EMAIL to on the day of the absence (no follow up note required)
· FAX a note to (410) 386-4444 on the day of the absence (no follow up note required)
· A WRITTEN NOTE signed by the parent or legal guardian upon the return of the student
The following information should be included in your message/note:
- Student name
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for Absence
- Parent/Guardian Printed Name
- Parent/Guardian Signature
- Daytime Contact Phone Number
Student absences must be verified within five school days of the student’s return or the absence will be categorized as unlawful. A copy of the verification document will be kept in the student’s file. Thank you for your help in verifying your child's absences in a timely manner.
Children who come to school every day on time are more successful in school. They practice good habits that they will use through high school and beyond. Bringing children to school late or letting them stay home from school when they are able to attend causes them to get behind in their learnnig.Tardies (arriving late or departing early) do not promote good work habits and negatively impact learning.
Select this message link for more information about the value of attendance.
School law requires all children to be in school each day. The school year consists of 180 regularly scheduled school days. The school day is from 9:15 am - 3:45 pm.
Students have the opportunity to earn attendance awards each marking period as well as for the entire school year.
Students that are present, and not tardy, every day during a marking period, will receive a perfect attendance award for that marking period. Students that are present, and not tardy, every day during a school year, will receive a perfect attendance award for that school year.
Students that are absent/tardy three days or fewer during a marking period will receive an excellent attendance award for that marking period. Students that re absent/tardy two days or fewer during the school year, will receive an excellent attendance award for the school year.
The Maryland State Department of Education Attendance Policy
Children may enter the building at 8:45 AM at which time adult supervision is available. If needed, childcare is available in the school cafeteria before and after school provided by the Y of Central Maryland. Contact (410) 848-3660 for more information and fee information.